Why Fallout 4 Should Have Co-op

I recently read an article explaining why Fallout 4 (officially announced today), should not have co-op.  The article proceeded to offer several personal preferences for single player, and while I respect his opinion, I’d like to offer another perspective…

  1. Co-op is awesome.  Plain and simple, killing things together is always better to have at least as an option. 
  2. Co-op is optional.  No one should have to play with others…. But most people who want to play their favorite games with friends can’t do so on many of their favorite games.  

That’s all… 


Apparently Bethesda thought co-op might be good too– at first.  They then felt that it was a distraction to the game’s core values, mainly a secluded experience in a post apocalyptic world… I can respect that on creative grounds.  Castaway wouldn’t have been castaway if Hanks had a companion on the island… And the whole Wilson thing would have just been weird at that point…

However, I make my same case… Players can easily maintain their feeling of seclusion by: *gasp* –choosing not to play co-op…  There’s still no evidence to suggest that adding options to a game detracts from its value… It simply doesn’t.  Some players are more concerned with seclusion and that’s fine, the game can still be played solo… Others don’t care as much about seclusion as having fun with buddies… But those Co-op players are often given no option for this…  It’s a developers cop out for running out of time or not feeling their co-op interested fanbase is financially viable enough to to support the investment of development time (and therefore money) it would take to include co-op.   In other words, you’re just not worth it.  Thanks Bethesda!  Love u too… Or not…

    Published by BlipFling

    Flinging the Blips

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