We Finally Figured Out What We Do!

Hey! Guess what?! We know what we’re doing now! Well, maybe that’s taking it a little too far, but we do have some clearer direction here at blipfling. Up until now we have been reporting almost completely on video game media, when in actuality, we are up to a lot more than that. In ourContinue reading “We Finally Figured Out What We Do!”

WELCOME! …. you blipflipping maniacs…

Wow.  Our first post.  I just…. I just don’t know what to say.  Thank you.  Thank you to everyone who made this possible.  Like me… and my macbook…. What a professional macbook…. Oh and the Internet!  That too… Umm… Well, as disingenuine as this sounds, we are actually glad you’re visiting.  Very fun stuff.  WhatContinue reading “WELCOME! …. you blipflipping maniacs…”

What we do here… specifically vague

“Blip” is defined by the Oxford American Dictionary as “The opening of the throttle of a motor momentarily”… also a short telecest. “Fling” is defined by the same very qualified geniuses at Oxford as “The taking off of one’s shoes rapidly or carelessly”…. wait what? Ok so the Blip made sense. Lets just say thatContinue reading “What we do here… specifically vague”