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The Plight, Indictment, and Death of the Casual-Hardcore Gamer

Casual, Hardcore…Those 2 terms are among some of the most loathed in all of gaming, for all kinds of reasons.  Many people think they are mutually exclusive, maybe because they seem so polar opposite.  But let me explain what I mean when I say “casual-hardcore” and see if I can point us toward some much…

Why Fallout 4 Should Have Co-op

I recently read an article explaining why Fallout 4 (officially announced today), should not have co-op.  The article proceeded to offer several personal preferences for single player, and while I respect his opinion, I’d like to offer another perspective… Co-op is awesome.  Plain and simple, killing things together is always better to have at least…

House of Wolves Casual Review

I had quit Destiny for a long time under the impression that the game was sucking me into a grind that never ended and was rarely rewarding. For whatever reason, I kept coming back with hopes of rewards that never came. Finally, I got wise and realized Destiny was built on near-rewardless grind, and quit.…

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