Alpha Destiny… Bravo Charlie Victor and All Those Other Cool Things We Say When We Play Bungie Games.

The Destiny Alpha has had more than one commentator write an article about both its worth and its shortcomings, so I’ll just give some quick blipfling flava-flav. Honestly I was neutral on the whole ghost voice thing… You’re blasting aliens back to the fiery chasm from whence they came, you were listening to the dude’sContinue reading “Alpha Destiny… Bravo Charlie Victor and All Those Other Cool Things We Say When We Play Bungie Games.”

Same Old, Same New

A few years back there was this game, a game whose developer had a story vastly more tragic and moving to hear than the game itself. The story of the studio behind Kingdoms of Amalur is one that made headline news; “Studio Fails Despite Its Great Potential, Significant Financial Backing, And Big Names In GameContinue reading “Same Old, Same New”

Hasn’t Fantasy (…and Lord of the Rings) Suffered Enough?!

Don’t get me wrong, there have been a several successful fantasy video game titles, not least of which is the MMO giant, World of Warcraft.  In fact in the field of Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games, fantasy is king.  However, so very many innovations in the fantasy genre are botched by the corporate overmind.Continue reading “Hasn’t Fantasy (…and Lord of the Rings) Suffered Enough?!”

Fable 4 Must Have In Order To Not Fail List

We really like lists here apparently… The Fable series has suffered in recent years from major flaws and shortcomings on its design. These are a few bare necessities as well as some friendly suggestions that would help get Fable back on the proverbial rails. List:           1) True coop with consistentlyContinue reading “Fable 4 Must Have In Order To Not Fail List”

The Xbox Coop RPG Problem

There are none. Ok well not really “none” but so few of an even mentionable quality that in a few short weeks (with the way some gamers play – days) you can literally exhaust every avenue that fits the description of co-op rpg for the Xbox 360. Microsoft does co-op great, and it gets mostContinue reading “The Xbox Coop RPG Problem”

Content Lock And Amalur Update

This is just a brief update about the recently failed game company 38 Studios, developer of the high fantasy RPG Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.  It is public knowledge that EA used a content lock on this game and while the game definitely suffered from WAAAAAAY more issues than a simple content lock, it surely didn’t promoteContinue reading “Content Lock And Amalur Update”

The Content Lock… and whats blippity wrong with it…

Wow, I never thought my first post would be a semi-angry late night rant about the free market abuses of …. video game developers?  On second thought, it was probably inevitable.  Here’t goes. In essence, copyright infringement has been an issue even before its explosion during the events surrounding Napster and other file sharing venues.Continue reading “The Content Lock… and whats blippity wrong with it…”